Holga Shots

I took my Canon 30D with the Holga lens with me this morning and took a few shots.

RedDoor (1 of 1)

I’m really starting to like this lens, even though getting the exposure right is a little weird. The camera is set to manual and the aperture on the Holga lens is pretty much fixed, so you have to fiddle around with shutter speed for control.

MorningPark (1 of 1)-2

I find that, at least on the 30D the shots tend to be overexposed and have to bring it down in Lightroom. I’m planning a new photoessay on everyday urban blight. Here’s a sample of the types of photographs the study contains:

DryCleaners2 (1 of 1)

There’s a hidden aesthetic in the commonplace and that’s what I hope to capture.

Car (1 of 1)

I’ll have a lot more on this in future posts.

Holga 60mm Lens for Canon DSLRs

I’ve been on a Holga kick lately with acquiring two Holga pinholes cameras. Holgas shoot 120 film and I’m getting set up to develop negatives and make prints, but that’s a ways off. I wanted the Holga look now, so I bought a Holga lens for my Canon DSLRs.


The lens, made completely of plastic, goes for $24.99 at B&H. You can get one here: http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/762095-REG/Holga_775120_Holga_Lens_for_Canon.html or you can get one on Amazon, Adorama, etc.


The lens has a focal length of 60mm and is fixed at f8. There are four focus settings from portrait to landscape. Here’s the first shot taken with the lens using a Canon 30D.


The Holga charm comes through using this lens with its soft focus and natural vignetting.

To effective use the Holga lens your DSLR needs to be in manual. It takes some work dialing in this lens along with getting used to the four focus settings. Be prepared to tinker.

We went for a short drive so I could check out the lens. Here’s the intersection of Main Street and 14 Mile Road in Clawson.


This was shot through the car windshield directly into the setting sun. I was hoping for lens flare and I got it.


This was shot in a park in Royal Oak at dusk.


For twenty five bucks the Holga lens is a great investment. You get the Holga look with little effort. I’m going to spend some serious time with this lens.