Exploiting Your Point and Shoot Release

Things went faster than expected so we decided to release Exploiting Your Point and Shoot now instead of waiting until next year.


Most of the photos in this book were shot with a sub-$100 dollar camera. Point-and-shoots are not simple “birthday party” cameras. They are remarkably capable light processing machines. Point and shoot features coupled with their small footprint make them an excellent choice for countless shooting situations. This books shows you how to squeeze performance out of your point and shoot and produce images you’ll be proud of.

Check it out here: http://www.amazon.com/Exploiting-Your-Point-Shoot-Stefan-ebook/dp/B00R6STGB8/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1418992717&sr=8-1&keywords=exploiting+your+point+and+shoot&pebp=1418992720432

Check out the website here: http://xpointandshoot.wordpress.com